Category Archives: spruce up your space

SUYS ♥ a whiter shade of pale and a fond farewell.


Welcome to the December SUYS event! This month’s theme is ‘A Whiter Shade of Pale’. We’re going to celebrate December with gorgeous wintry white color schemes!

Our designers for this month’s SUYS are:

Apple Fall [SLurl]
BoatHouse [SLurl]
Cheeky Pea [SLurl]
Cleo Designs [SLurl]
Funky Junk [SLurl]
Insight Designs [SLurl]
La’Licious [SLurl]
LISP Bazaar [SLurl]
MudHoney [SLurl]
New Trails [SLurl]
Organica [SLurl]
Palais [SLurl]
Second Spaces [SLurl]
Starstruck [SLurl]
{what next} [SLurl]
Zigana [SLurl]

Remember – everything released for SUYS is just $150L or less, but only for this weekend!

You can see pics of all the SUYS items over on our Flickr page and be sure to join the in-world Spruce Up Your Space group to get the SUYS notices, LMs, etc!

This is our only SUYS weekend for December; it starts at 9AM SLT on Dec 15 and ends midnight SLT on Dec 16! This is also the last SUYS event — thank you all for your support over these last 3 years!! ♥ (Here’s a link to the closing announcement, in case you missed it.)


Second Spaces brings you the Procol Desk Set for our final SUYS – a lovely weathered desk and antique chair with precious accessories, sure to become your favorite spot for keeping up on your correspondence. The set includes two versions of the desk: with calendar and without.

procol desk_promo

Available at Second Spaces [SLurl]

SUYS turns a whiter shade of pale.



This month, SUYS turns ‘A Whiter Shade of Pale’! We’re going to celebrate December with gorgeous wintry white color schemes!

To beat the holiday rush, our SUYS weekend will be Dec 15-16, so be sure to check back here on that weekend for all the info on our participating shops!


**Important Announcement**

HoneyLicious Spaces has decided to make December the last month of SUYS. We’ve had an amazing time doing this every month for the past (almost) 3 years — THREE YEARS!! When we started SUYS, there really wasn’t any sort of recurring event for home and garden, and home and garden was just not included in “fashion” events. Now look at us!! H&G is everywhere, in all the great events!! We’ve come a long way!!

We give so, so many thanks to all of the SUYS designers who have participated over the years. This event would never have taken off like it did if we didn’t have the best of the best to make it awesome.

And speaking of awesome, a multitude of thanks goes out to our faithful SUYS shoppers! We’ve loved seeing the excitement of our SUYSers each month — it’s been so great to know how much you looked forward to each month’s event, and we would never have lasted this long without your support! ♥

Thank you all so much, and have a great time with December’s SUYS!!

HoneyLicious Spaces (Rayvn Hynes, Amaliscious Destiny, Elle Kirshner)

November’s SUYS is très bon.


Welcome to the November SUYS event! This month’s theme is ‘A Night In Paris’. Viva la SUYS!!!!

Our designers for this month’s SUYS are:

BoatHouse [SLurl]
Cleo Designs [SLurl]
Insight Designs [SLurl]
La’Licious [SLurl]
MudHoney [SLurl]
Organica [SLurl]
Palais [SLurl]

Remember – everything released for SUYS is just $150L or less, but only for this weekend!

You can see pics of all the SUYS items over on our Flickr page and be sure to join the in-world Spruce Up Your Space group to get the SUYS notices, LMs, etc!

This is our only SUYS weekend for November; it starts at 9AM SLT on Nov 17 and ends midnight SLT on Nov 18!

SUYS is on a journey.


Welcome to the October SUYS event! This month’s theme is ‘Traveling Companions’. Let’s hit the road!

Our designers for this month’s SUYS are:

Ambiance [SLurl]
Cleo Designs [SLurl]
Lark [SLurl]
MudHoney [SLurl]

It’s been a busy SL month, so it’s a quick and easy SUYS for you!!

Remember – everything released for SUYS is just $150L or less, but only for this weekend!

You can see pics of all the SUYS items over on our Flickr page and be sure to join the in-world Spruce Up Your Space group to get the SUYS notices, LMs, etc!

This is our only SUYS weekend for October; it starts at 9AM SLT on Oct 27 and ends midnight SLT on Oct 28!