Tag Archives: garden

New things and places!


Some more awesome stuff from around the grid…

First, new things!

Mudhoney: Rayvn Hynes has released a ton of super cute spa items! She released the spa accessories a few weeks ago, and now the furniture sets to match so you can build your dream spa in SL! You can see all of the items on Rayvn’s post here and, of course, grab a TP and go check it out in person!

mudhoney all

And now, new places (at least new to me!)

Picnic: Owned by nyasyousa Oh and shiroyagi Writer, Picnic has a small inventory of really cute shabby-chic style items. There are a few small furniture pieces, but mostly Picnic has stuff. I love stuff! Great accessories really make a room feel lived in, and these are all very well made and textured. The shop is currently undergoing renovation, and I’m excited to see what they do with it. Renovation or not, Picnic is definitely worth a visit!

picnic group 1 picnic group 2

picnic group 3



Life Is Good: Life Is Good is a very pretty sim, so you should visit for sightseeing purposes if nothing else. Owned by ino jie and porta fosse, you’ll find a small furniture shop, a flower garden, and also an art gallery – all nicely laid out in a well-landscaped sim with rolling hills and curving paths. The furniture is cute, very clean-lines and a modern feel…it’s the flower garden that I want to show you today. There’s a very large selection of plants, flowers, grasses, and trees; there’s also a ton of potted flowers and various garden accoutrements (5 points). Best of all – they have birds and pigs. 🙂 Please see below:

lig group 1

lig group 2The birds tweet, and the pigs do that cute piggy thing with their snouts. Precious!

Life Is Good

Friday goodness!


Happy Friday! Just a few quick hits today — quick and awesome!

Mudhoney – Grand Re-Opening Event and Sale! It’s a new location for MudHoney, and Rayvn Hynes is having a 50% off sale to celebrate! Get over there between August 8-15 and grab up some bargains! The new location looks awesome; be sure to explore every inch – the entire store is on sale!! Congrats to Rayvn on the new build!!

mudhoney grand reopening

iTutu Garden & Furniture – I found iTutu several months ago, and LMed it for a future blog post…then I came across a post about some new stuff earlier today, and that prompted me to get over there and take some pics! iTutu is a must-see for anyone who enjoys the rustic, shabby chic look;  designer Kao Sands does an amazing job with textures to achieve that rustic look. You’ll find a great selection of lighting, plants, and furniture, all very reasonably priced! Kao also has some really cute ground covers available – be sure to check out the garden area behind the shop, it’s a little floral paradise! You’ll also see a TP box in the shop that will take you to her Forest Sky Box – definitely check that out, too!

Here’s just a small sampling of what iTutu has to offer – TP over to see the rest!

itutu lightsitutu plantsitutu furniture

Have a great weekend!

Cool new things


Happy Friday! 🙂 Just a few new(ish) cool things from some of the grid’s finest!

Ambiance Furniture: Desiree Bisiani has recently released the Esmerelda Kitchen, and it is full of awesome. This is a BIG set, perfect for those with huge SL houses. The kitchen comes with fun poses and animations, for both singles and couples 😉 and includes props like a sponge, spatula, etc to coordinate with the animations. It’s also texture-changing with 4 color options — my favorite two:

esmerelda full kitchen both

What I really love about the kitchen is all the little details you see in the pics: knife block, cutting board, paper towel holder, canisters, etc. I also really like (because I’m such a geek about this stuff) that Desiree included wall shadows for some of the items. Look closely at the canisters and the spoon holder — they cast shadows on the backsplash. I love that!!

esmerelda accessories bothThere’s quite a bit of the set not shown here, including a gorgeous fireplace, so get over to Ambiance to see it all for yourself!

Winx Home & Garden – Whimsy Winx does an amazing job of ‘fantastical’. Her Lotus Water Temple series is something you MUST see in person. Pictures just can’t do it justice, and you need to feel these builds. Plus Oubliette is a gorgeous sim to visit and explore all on its own, and Whimsy has everything landscaped so wonderfully to complement the Lotus series…really, neither pics NOR words do justice, so just go! …after you look at my pictures that don’t do justice but that I worked hard on…

Lotus Water Temple – this is the biggest piece of the series – so many things you could do with this. It’s got two seating areas built in (and you can get the Bollywood theme or the Jade Tea Garden theme) and then some empty spots you can decorate yourself. The stairs may be my favorite part — I just love that they’re all smooth and rounded.

lotus temple all

In addition to the temple, you’ll find a Grotto, Fire Pit, and Gazebo all in the Lotus Water Temple style. When you land in Oubliette, facing the Winx sign, turn to your right and head to the water to see the temple. To see the rest of the pieces, take the TP (also at the sign) to the Winx Home & Garden display area. All gorgeous!

lotus others all

Winx Home & Garden

Belle Belle – Leyla Firefly is now offering a Preferred Shopper / Gift Card program! I’m starting to see similar programs around SL, mostly with fashion designers, and I think it’s a great idea for any shop, regardless whether fashion, decor, or whatever! You need to join the Belle Belle group (which you should do anyway because Leyla has really cute group freebies) and then you can grab your Preferred Shopper card from the service desk at the shop. Essentially, every time you buy something at Belle Belle, make sure to wear your card and your discount credits will begin to accrue! From there, your card will act like a  basic gift card: if you’ve accrued $L150 on your Preferred Shopper card, then you can turn around and use the card to buy something of that value or less. I like it!!

When I stopped by Belle Belle to grab more info about the program, I noticed a veggie garden out front that I hadn’t seen before. This may not be that new…but it’s super cute! I already love Leyla’s flower garden, and this is the same concept – a really cute little plot of veggies, complete with gardening tool and animation. I think I really just love the little plant terrarium (or whatever we would call that) most of all!

belle belle veg garden

Belle Belle

These are a few of my favorite things


I realize this is like cheat-blogging, and I’m ok with that.  I wanted to get something posted, and I have a list of to-do blog spots that I will get to…but in the meantime, let me show you some things that I have and love! (SLurls are included at the end of the post)

In H&S Village, I’ve set up what I call our fairy garden. The sim itself isn’t especially fantasy-themed, but I loved the fairy gazebo and hideaway from Winx Home & Garden so much that I decided we needed them here! And ta da:



The gorgeous pink gloo trees and the rainbow rays you see coming from above are both from New Trail – if you still haven’t been to the New Trail sim, then go! Now! NOW!

If you look closely, you’ll see little white pollen dander thingies floating around the fairy garden:


I just picked those up from Heart Garden a few weeks ago, and I love them! It’s a particle generator, of course, and you get 12 in a pack, including 4 different pollen shops. The pollen floats all over the sim, just like springtime!

The grasses and flowers you see mixed in are from Organica, and I’ve used them all over the sim. They’re perfect, and only 1 prim per grouping!

Most recently, I’ve fallen in love with Kunstkammer’s new dreamscaping grass, seen here in green and mixed in with daisies from Organica. You can get the dreamscaping grass in grey and jellybean, too.


More cool stuff coming soon!


H&S Village (to see it all in action)

Kunstkammer (main location – there’s a satellite shop in H&S Village, too)

Winx Home & Garden (Be sure to explore the rest of Oubliette, as well – it’s gorgeous!)

New Trail


Heart Garden Centre

*9 More Places!* Wrap up!


Thanks to everyone who took the time to peruse the 9 More Places series. It’s been fun, as always, and I hope everyone found something new that they’d never seen before! There is so much amazing, creative content out there, I could probably keep doing these series forever…and I might. 🙂 For now, I’m going to resume my regularly scheduled blogging…hopefully get some new releases out for my own shop…and, of course, keep my eyes open for new super cool stuff!

For the wrap-up, here are the links to each blog post, as well as the SLurls for the shops – all in one handy location. I’ll add a link to this on the main page along with the permanent link for the Top 12 Places series, and then it’s all at your fingertips. Enjoy!

9 More Places!

1. Ingrid Ingersoll’s Homestore [blog post]

2. Belle Belle Furniture [blog post]

3. Another Man’s Treasure [2nd location] [blog post]

4. Tapioca Tastes [blog post]

5. Tesh Gardens [blog post]

6. New Trail [blog post]

7. Organica [blog post]

8. Happy Mood [blog post]

9. Pillow Talk [blog post]